Saturday, May 18, 2024

Sweden: “gold rush” for Stockholm with Taylor Swift

Gold Rush lyrics
If I think about Taylor Swift's concerts in Sweden as part of the Eras Tour, two things come to mind: Stockholm Syndrome and the song "Gold Rush."

It's difficult and delicate to talk about Stockholm Syndrome, especially in such special conditions as these. No one is forcing Taylor Swift's fans to attend the concert. That they succumb to their passion and become dependent on her music is their choice, but there is no pressure on them. It's just an offer they can consider or not.

As for "Gold Rush," lyrics  here is a love story. I don't know between whom, but one side is chasing the other and declares they are quite tired of this effort, especially since there are no visible results.

The singer herself confesses the disappointment:

"I call you out on your contrarian shit
And the coastal town
We wandered 'round had never"

The positive thing is that she doesn't drown her pain in alcohol but settles for a tea that has already turned gray with age.
"Seen a love as pure as it
And then it fades into the gray of my day old tea"

My frustration is that I listened the song lyrics multiple times and couldn't figure out if she drank that tea or not. It seems the only one at an advantage was the merchant who sold the tea. In fact, an old saying goes that during the gold rush, most miners lost money, but those who sold them pickaxes, shovels, tents, and jeans made a nice profit. And here the story repeats itself.

The temptation is great, everyone is focused on the subject:
"Everybody wants you
Everybody wonders what it would be like to love you"

It's unclear if the effort is worth it despite the attraction, even the singer confesses:
"Everybody wants you
What must it be like
To grow up that beautiful?"
But I don't like a gold rush"

However, the abandonment doesn't seem absolute; maybe a small attempt is worth it. You never know, maybe this time things will fit:
"On waters so inviting
I almost jump in"

Every time I listen this song, I start wonder myself: Did she jump in or not? Probably, I must drink an old gray tea to find it.

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